Please feel free to contact me via any methods available. I love answering peoples questions and the community can be a great help as well. It seems that people have been finding me already and a lot of these threads are submitted posts through YouTube and other channels. So don’t feel like you’re the only person because there are lots of others out there too. I’ll go over some of the topics that you might have regarding contacting me or are web team sort of say.
Ask a Question
Like I said above you can openly ask me any question and I will usually post them live with my answer and the community also can and other answers as well. Says been occurring since day one of my YouTube channel and my other platform so there are lots of others doing this.
Write an Article, Guest Post
If you are a blog on our website owner and you want to just post on my site here you can do so just send me the article. You anything that I ask is that it is useful to my readers and adds value to my website and is not crappy content. Or if you just looking to write a cool article for other beta fish owners to read you can send me it and I will take a look and post it.
As of right now I don’t have any advertising for sale but maybe if you give me some offers or let me know where you stand we can work that out. I’m not in this website for the money but if it came down to helping me pay for a lot of the costs of web hosting that I’m paying I would probably do so.